beak charitable donations to the community
as a gratuity-free restaurant, beak does not accept tips (read about our no-tip policy here). any tips left by guests are collected and then donated to local charities and benefits based on staff votes.
through donated tips alone, the restaurant has so far contributed over $25,000 to local sitka community causes. monthly donations tend to vary between $150 in the winter to as much as $2,000 in the summer, with an average donation at around $500 – $700.
here is a list of previous recipients of donated tips:
**alaska native sisterhood thanksgiving meal (september 2024)
**animal shelter (august 2024)
**family of tad (community member) (july 2024)
**family of brad (beak staff member) (may – june 2024)
**sitka pride (november 2023 – april 2024)
**sitka homeless coalition (september – october 2023)
**herring protectors (august 2023)
**sitka animal shelter (june – july 2023)
**SAFV, sitkans against family violence (may 2023)
**sitka trail works (november 2022 – april 2023)
**SAFV, sitkans against family violence (september – october 2022)
**betty eliason childcare (august 2022)
**animal shelter (july 2022)
**fortress of the bear (june 2022)
**sitka homeless coalition (january – may 2022)
**STA grocery card fund (september – december 2021)
**sitka men’s homeless coalition (august 2021)
**SAFV, sitkans against family violence (july 2021)
**climate coalition (june 2021)
**animal shelter (march – may 2021)
**ANS holiday dinner (october – december 2019)
**the cloud teen center (september 2019)
**SAFV, sitkans against family violence (august 2019)
**sitka cancer survivors (july 2019)
**KCAW raven radio (june 2019)
**sitka school district (june 2019)
**sitka homeless coalition (may – april 2019)
**burgess pet clinic (january – march 2019)
**herring lawsuit (november – december 2018)
**raptor center (october 2018)
**women in fisheries (september 2018)
**baranof elementary school fish tank (august 2018)
**edith’s house fire (july 2018)
**hank’s sank boat (june 2018)
**suicide prevention hotline (may 2018)
**animal shelter (april 2018)
other independent charitable donations from beak restaurant (not tip-related) include:
*sitka high school swim team
*sitka high school cross country team
*ALFA sitka seafood festival
*firefighter’s volunteer fund raiser
*ALFA sitka seafood festival
*blatchley middle school pops concert